
Elemental Pressure​

Exploring the pressure of society, in a transition or a state of flux and conflict is at the core of this work of the female form and fragmented body.  

Complex Fragment I

The Complex Fragment bronzes are an interpretation of how women are challenged in modern society.  Fragmented and disfigured they are they are reminiscent of the Greek sculptures I observed at the MET.  They are fragmented objects, signifying the loss of self with the dissection of the face.

Complex Fragment III​

Primarily about female identity in the 21st Century and the role of that is played by the social structure of our society,  these partial portraits capture moments of identity, encapsulated and stopped in a changing and creative process made up of personal experiences, influenced by social pressure.

Complex Fragment IV​

The bronzes are a representation of women who are not whole or living for their true potential, reminiscent of the Greek sculptures I observed at the MET.  As fragmented objects with the bodies and faces disfigured, signifying the loss of self.

Complex Fragment VI​

The bronzes are a representation of women who are not whole or living for their true potential.  The fragmented works are reminiscent of the Greek sculptures I observed at the MET, the bodies and faces disfigured, signifying the loss of self with the dissection of the face.


The removal or alleviation of stress and anxiety

Simple Introspection II​​

The fragmented disintegration of the female form 


Introspection – from the Latin Introspicere, to look within. The examination and observation of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings. The observing of the operations of ones own mind with the view of discovering the laws which govern the mind.

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